Hurtigruten content via Flat Files
Hurtigruten ship, deck, cabin and port content(English) can be retrieved from Hurtigruten as JSON(Structured text)
Ship, Cabin and Deck information File
The following languages are supported:
EN(US,UK and AU), FR , DE, SE, DK and NO
href="/hrg/Partners/cms/shipExample.json"> Download an example JSON file
RefData/ships_au.json ships_dk.json ships.json ships_se.json ships_us.json ships_de.json ships_fr.json ships_no.json ships_uk.json
Field | Type | Description |
shipId | String | Unique ShipCode - used in other flat files |
heading | String | Full name of ship |
body | String | Text description of the ship |
secondaryBody | String | not used in English version of CMS at present |
pageUrl | URL | Link to a web page describing the ship |
imageUrl | String | Picture of the ship.Need to add baseUrl( |
media | Object | not used at present |
yearOfConstruction | Number | year contructed |
shipyard | String | Name of shipyard where ship was built |
passengerCapacity | Number | Capacity |
beds | Number | how many beds |
carCapacity | Number | How many cars allowed |
grossTonnage | Number | Gross Tonnage |
length | Number (Decimal) | Length of ship |
beam | Number (Decimal) | Length of beam |
speed | number | speed |
facilities/0 | String | can repeat |
decks/0/number | String | can repeat |
decks/0/deck/alternateText | String | can repeat |
decks/0/deck/captionText | String | can repeat |
decks/0/deck/creditText | String | can repeat |
decks/0/deck/lowResolutionUri | String | can repeat |
decks/0/deck/highResolutionUri | String | can repeat |
decks/0/deck/retinaUri | String | can repeat |
cabinCategories/0/title | String | can repeat |
cabinCategories/0/description | String | can repeat |
cabinCategories/0/media/0/alternateText | String | can repeat |
cabinCategories/0/media/0/captionText | String | can repeat |
cabinCategories/0/media/0/creditText | String | can repeat |
cabinCategories/0/media/0/lowResolutionUri | String | can repeat |
cabinCategories/0/media/0/highResolutionUri | String | can repeat |
cabinCategories/0/media/0/retinaUri | String | can repeat |
cabinCategories/0/cabinGrades/0/code | String | cabinGrades can repeat |
cabinCategories/0/cabinGrades/0/title | String | cabinGrades can repeat |
cabinCategories/0/cabinGrades/0/shortDescription | String | cabinGrades can repeat |
cabinCategories/0/cabinGrades/0/longDescription | String | cabinGrades can repeat |
cabinCategories/0/cabinGrades/0/sizeFrom | String | cabinGrades can repeat |
cabinCategories/0/cabinGrades/0/sizeTo | String | cabinGrades can repeat |
cabinCategories/0/cabinGrades/0/hasBathroom | String | cabinGrades can repeat |
cabinCategories/0/cabinGrades/0/bed | String | cabinGrades can repeat |
cabinCategories/0/cabinGrades/0/window | String | cabinGrades can repeat |
cabinCategories/0/cabinGrades/0/hasBalcony | String | cabinGrades can repeat |
cabinCategories/0/cabinGrades/0/hasSofa | String | cabinGrades can repeat |
cabinCategories/0/cabinGrades/0/hasTv | String | cabinGradescan repeat |
cabinCategories/0/cabinGrades/0/hasDinnerTable | String | cabinGrades can repeat |
cabinCategories/0/cabinGrades/0/shipLocation | String | cabinGrades can repeat |
Cabin Grade Information File
Field | Type | Description |
Cabin_Grade | String | Cabin Category |
Ship Cabin Grade | Object | Cabin Grade information per ship |
Cabin Grade description | String | Description for the Cabin Grade/Category |
Ship Cabin Grade Max Capacity | String | Cabin Grade Max Capacity |
Ship Cabin Grade Ship Code | String | Cabin Grade Ship Code |
Port List Files
Field | Type | Description |
Code | String | Port Code |
Description | String | Port name |
Field | Type | Description |
Code | String | Port Code |
Country | String | Country Code based on ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 |
Description | String | Port name |
Voyages File - Language specific
In folder RefData: voyages_au.json voyages_de.json voyages_dk.json voyages_fr.json voyages_no.json voyages_se.json voyages_uk.json voyages_us.json
Field | Type | Description |
travelSuggestionCodes | Array | Is the link between this file and the VoyageLink in the Source Market File |
URL | String | The URL to the related webpage in the correct lanaguage |
Heading | String | Title of the tour |
customDepartureDates | String | Custom Departure Dates |
durationText | String | Duration as text |
body | String | Description of the package/tour/voyage |
intro | String | Introduction |
largeMap | Object | Properties for the Map including links to different image resolutions |
practicalInfo | String | Practical Information |
itineraryIntro | String | An Itinerary description |
itinerary | Object | Detailed Itineray data from the B2C content server |
itinerary.body | HTML Content | Itineray description/information | | String | The day(s) that are descibed |
itinerary.heading | String | A Heading for this step of the Itinerary |
itinerary.location | String | The location related to this step/day(s) |
itinerary.mediaContent | Object | Contains fields with media related URI's - use the hurtigruten base url as prefix f.e |
mediaContent | Object | Contains fields with media related URI's - use the hurtigruten base url as prefix f.e |
sellingPoints | Array | A list of selling points |
Package Itinerary file
Field | Type | Description |
description | Array | Voyage title per locale |
description/culture | String | Locale code based on ISO 639-1 |
description/description | String | Localized voyage title |
supplier | String | Package supplier |
markets | String | Array of valid markets to book this package. value CEN indicates that it is available across all markets. |
seawareAllotment | String | Allotment in seaware |
packagePricingBasis | String | Pricing basis of package (e.g. hotel room occupancy SGL or TWN, ship cabin occupancy SGL,TWN,TRP) |
bookingStartDate | String | Start of booking period |
bookingEndDate | String | End of booking period |
packageType | String | Catering on board |
startLocation | String | Port code |
endLocation | String | Port code |
destination | String | Destination country |
cancellationStructure | String | Cancellation policy |
availability | Array | Available dates and date ranges |
availability/ships | Array | Departure ships |
availability/ships/date | Array | Departure date |
availability/ships/ship | String | Departing ship |
availability/dateRange | Object | Released posting period |
availability/dates | Array | Date if there are multiple departure options for the given trip |
mandatoryArrivalPackage | Object | Aditional arrival package that is added automatically |
packageItinerary | Array | Package itinerary ithems |
packageItinerary/startDay | Integer | Start date of itinerary ithem |
packageItinerary/endDay | Integer | End date of the itinerary Ithem |
packageItinerary/codeDetails | Array | Code details |
packageItinerary/flightDetails | Array | Flight details |
packageItinerary/hotelDetails | Array | Hotel details |
packageItinerary/hotelDetails/defaultRoomType | String | Amount of beds in the hotel room |
packageItinerary/hotelDetails/defaultBoardBasis | String | Catering in the hotel |
packageItinerary/ferryDetails | Array | Ferry details |
packageItinerary/railDetails | Array | Rail details |
packageItinerary/transferDetails | Array | Transfer details |
packageItinerary/voyageDetails | Array | Voyage details |
packageItinerary/description | Array | Title of the trip |
packageItinerary/description/culture | String | Language culture of most guests |
packageItinerary/description/description | String | Transfer type description |
packageItinerary/type | String | Type of itinerary item |
packageItinerary/supplier | String | Supplier of itinerary item |
mandatoryDeparturePackage | Object | Binding return package |
packageId | String | Code of the tour, to find in PackageMetaData |