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Support via our Service desk

The B2B API Support team is ready to provide support to all our API consumers via the Service Desk Portal.

  1. Sign up as a Developer Portal user. You will receive a separate email invitation to sign up and create your account within our Service Desk.
  2. After sign-up, you will be able to file support tickets in the Service Desk Portal.
  3. Updates and comments for tickets will be sent as email notification.
  4. To view the whole ticket history, please use the Service Desk Portal. In order to add a comment and follow up, you can respond directly to the email notification as well.

Our response times and automations.

  • All tickets which are in status "Waiting for Customer" will switch to status "Resolved" after 5 days of not receiving any update. Within this process, a comment is added and a notification is sent out to inform you about the status update of the ticket
  • All tickets which are in status "Resolved" will switch to status "Closed" after 10 days. Tickets once set to "Closed" will not be monitored and are not able to reopen. In case you have a follow up on a already closed ticket or the original issue reappears, please file a new ticket and mention the related ticket id.